Planting a Seedling
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Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois

A community in which God in Christ is present in our relationships, and the Spirit is apparent in our actions of welcome, hospitality, witness, leadership, and service

Budget and Finance Team /
Board of Trustees

The Budget & Finance Team carries out aspects of the Presbytery's financial processes by

This Team is comprised of seven (7) members, four ministers and three elders or four elders and three ministers, elected to 3-year terms of service by the Presbytery upon nomination of the Committee on Representation.

Team Members / Trustees

Moderator and President of Trustees
Ruling Elder John Richardson
First Presbyterian Church of Charleston

Vice-Moderator and Vice-President of Trustees
Teaching Elder Jean Wollenberg
First Presbyterian Church of Decatur

Ruling Elder Jim Anderson
First Presbyterian Church of Danville

Corporate Secretary
Ruling Elder Dr. Rebecca Blair
Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk