Staff Support Team
The Staff Support Team develops and administers the employment policies of the Presbytery in accord with the current Employee Handbook, proposes position descriptions and compensation for Presbytery staff and employees, reviews and evaluates the work of Presbytery staff and employees, responds to routine workplace issues/concerns, provides care and support for all Presbytery employees, and facilitates the process for employing and terminating Presbytery employees in accord with the processes found in the Employee Handbook.
This Team will be elected to 1-3 year terms of service by the Presbytery upon nomination of the Committee on Representation. As Head of Staff, the LPTSC serves ex-officio on this Team
Team Members
Teaching Elder Heidi Weatherford
McKinley Memorial Presbyterian Church of Champaign
Ruling Elder Elaine Lassner
First Presbyterian Church of Eldorado
Ruling Elder Dan Selock
First Presbyterian Church of Marion
Ex Officio
Ruling Elder Dr. Rebecca Blair
Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk