Planting a Seedling
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Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois

A community in which God in Christ is present in our relationships, and the Spirit is apparent in our actions of welcome, hospitality, witness, leadership, and service

Sexual Misconduct Response Team

The purpose of the SMR Team is to ensure that an expeditious, professional, objective, effective, and caring response is made by the Presbytery to allegations of sexual misconduct. This Team will not investigate an allegation or in any way usurp the roles of PSEI staff or ordered groups (including investigating committees and the PJC). This Team will confine its activities to:

Members of the SMR Team and any individual participating in the work of this Team shall sign a pledge of confidentiality, copies of which shall be furnished to the moderator of the Team and the Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk.

This Team will be appointed by Presbytery Planning Commission for 1-3 year terms.

Team Members

Ruling Elder Deborah Jelley
First Presbyterian Church of Taylorville

Teaching Elder Joannie Naraghi
First United Presbyterian Church of Centralia

Teaching Elder Roger Lyons
First Presbyterian Church of Shawneetown

Ruling Elder Dan Selock
First Presbyterian Church of Mattoon

Ex Officio
Ruling Elder Dr. Rebecca Blair
Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk