Planting a Seedling
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Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois

A community in which God in Christ is present in our relationships, and the Spirit is apparent in our actions of welcome, hospitality, witness, leadership, and service

Ministry Formation Team

The Ministry Formation Team enters into covenant relationship with those preparing to serve in various pastoral roles The Team provides nurture, care, and oversight to Inquirers and Candidates preparing to serve as Ministers of the Word and Sacrament to ensure that those who are to be ordained receive full preparation for this service. The Team also works with cohorts of Ruling Elders engaged in preparation for pastoral service through the Ministry Formation Initiative and supports individual elders in essential equipping for these roles.

Members of this Team are elected by the Presbytery to 3-year terms of service upon nomination by the Committee on Representation.

Team Members

Teaching Elder Macy Ruple, Moderator
First Presbyterian Church of Danville

Ruling Elder Mac Moore
First Presbyterian Church of Decatur

Ruling Elder David Peters
First Presbyterian Church of Carbondale

Teaching Elder Nate Brantingham
At Large

Ex Officio
Ruling Elder Dr. Rebecca Blair
Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk