Planting a Seedling
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Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois

A community in which God in Christ is present in our relationships, and the Spirit is apparent in our actions of welcome, hospitality, witness, leadership, and service

Dream Team

The Dream Team needs folks with creative minds, open hearts, eager spirits! This Team is charged with boldly thinking outside the box to imagine how our Presbytery can meaningfully and concretely live into our mission and vision priorities – keeping a spirit-led, long-range focus related to structure, finances, and potential collaborations with surrounding presbyteries.

Members of this Team will be appointed by the Presbytery Planning Commission for 1-3 year terms of service.

Team Members

Teaching Elder Nate Brantingham, Moderator
At Large

Teaching Elder Lorna Blackford
First United Presbyterian Church of Raymond

RE Donald Greeley
First Presbyterian Church of Urbana