Congregational Vision and Vitality Team
The Congregational Vision and Vitality Team walks alongside leaders of congregations to help them discern and live into faithful actions through intentional spiritual practices that deepen the seven marks of vital congregations: 1) lifelong discipleship formation, 2) intentional authentic evangelism, 3) outward incarnational focus, 4) empowering servant leadership, 5) spirit-inspired worship, 6) caring relationships, 7) ecclesial health.
These practices are intended to take the congregation into deeper relationships as disciples of the Risen Christ, so that their individual lives are changed, congregations are transformed, and the congregation continues to envision life-giving ministries to share in their communities and in the world.
Members of the Congregational Vision and Vitality Team will be equipped for service through the Presbyterian Mission Agency Vital Congregations Initiative. This Team will be elected to 1-3 year terms of service by the Presbytery upon nomination of the Committee on Representation.
Team Members
Ruling Elder Brenda Welling, Moderator
First Presbyterian Church of Mattoon
Teaching Elder Stu Smith
Ruling Elder John Phillips
Westminster Presbyterian Church of Decatur
Teaching Elder Paul Spangler
First Presbyterian Church of Monticello
Teaching Elder Macy Ruple
First Presbyterian Church of Danville
Teaching Elder Sam Foskey
Murphysboro & Pinckneyville Presbyterian Churches
Ruling Elder Mary Gritten
First Presbyterian Church of Champaign
Ex Officio
Ruling Elder Dr. Rebecca Blair
Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk