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Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois

A community in which God in Christ is present in our relationships, and the Spirit is apparent in our actions of welcome, hospitality, witness, leadership, and service

Congregational Conflict and Crisis Team

The Congregational Conflict and Crisis Team serves as pastor and counselor to all Pastors and Commissioned Ruling Elders serving our congregations, facilitates relationships between congregations and Pastors/Commissioned Ruling Elders, counsels with sessions as invited concerning reported or observed difficulties within a congregation, including: (1) advising the session as to appropriate actions to be taken to resolve the reported difficulties, (2) offering to help as a mediator, and (3) acting to correct the difficulties if requested to do so by the session or if the session is unable or unwilling to do so, following the procedural safeguards of the Church Discipline section of the Book of Order.

This Team may recommend to the Presbytery the appointment of administrative commissions to assume original jurisdiction in those highly conflicted situations in which it determines that a session is not properly exercising its authority.

Members of the Congregational Conflict and Crisis Team will be equipped in family systems theory, conflict identification/management strategies, and other relevant practices. This Team will be appointed by Presbytery Planning Commission for 1-3 year terms.

Team Members

Teaching Elder David Oliver-Holder
First Presbyterian Church of Urbana

Teaching Elder Cathy Allen

Ruling Elder DeAna Manns
First United Presbyterian Church of Centralia

Ruling Elder Elaine Lassner
First Presbyterian Church of Eldorado

Teaching Elder Laurie Fields
First Presbyterian Church of Harrisburg

Ruling Elder Lynn Neal
Commissioned Ruling Elder

Ex Officio
Ruling Elder Dr. Rebecca Blair
Lead Presbyter for Transformation and Stated Clerk