Officer Training
Church Officer Training Resources
The Rev Brent Anderson has created 53 sets of PowerPoint slides on Canva. The topics range
from Presbyterian Polity and Reformed Theology to Visiting the Hospitalized and Serving as
the Clerk of Session.
The Parish Paper
For several years, the Presbytery of Southeastern Illinois subscribed to The Parish Paper,
a monthly newsletter of ideas and insights for active congregations founded in 1971 by
Lyle S. Schaller.
DCFS Recognizing and
Reporting Child Abuse:Training for Mandated Reporters
This online course is to help all Illinois Mandated Reporters (Including all clergy,
ruling Elders, and deacons) understand their critical role in protecting children by
recognizing and reporting child abuse.
Everyone who suspects child abuse or neglect should call the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline to make a report, but Mandated Reporters are required by law to do so.
Presbytery-Wide Mandated Reporting PowerPoint Presentation
This annual ethics training was developed within Great Rivers Presbytery. This training is also
available as a
thirteen-page Portable Document File.
The training is accompanied by an acknowledgement form from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services for participants to sign after completing the training.
Illinois Department of Human Rights Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Videos and Audio
Coming Alive in Christ: Training for PC(USA) Ruling Elders and Deacons based on the Constitutional Questions
This multi-session resource, delivered through Equip, is created for study by and training of those serving as ruling elders and deacons. Based on the theological principles of the constitutional questions asked and answered in ordination, questions for discussion and reflection are included.
Leader Guides are provided; one using a monthly format of one question per lesson and the
other using a three-lesson format.
Theocademy: Preparation for Ordered Ministry
What is ordered ministry and why is it important to the Presbyterian Church? What does one
need to know to be an effective leader in the Presbyterian church? These videos will
explore and answer these and other questions about ordained leadership in the Presbyterian
Making Disciples, Making Leaders—Participant Workbook, Updated Second Edition
This workbook introduces biblical principles for leadership before describing the important
task of the nominating committee.
Making Disciples, Making Leaders—Leader Guide, Updated Second Edition
Creating Ruling Elder Training
A PowerPoint presentation of slides for pastors and other church leaders as they think
about what might be included in preparing ruling elders to serve.
Opening Doors to Discipleship
An online series of four courses in the Presbyterian/Reformed tradition to help leaders be
effective in their ministries. While the courses are geared toward those in teaching ministries of the church, several of the modules are very appropriate for those serving as ruling elders.
The Session Ref: A
Training Film
Members of a mock Session help us understand how meetings can run more smoothly. (Please
note: the motion made by "the funny guy" to table the issue of fixing the organ was improper.
The correct motion would be to postpone indefinitely. Also note that the discussion
following the motion to table was improper, including the maker's explanation of his
thinking. A motion to table, unlike a motion to postpone indefinitely, is not debatable.
A flag was not thrown for either violation.)
Called to Discipleship: Preparing Church Officers for Leadership
A complete training course used at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis,
Minnesota in three parts:
Principles of Presbyterian Polity
A PowerPoint presentation originally used in the Presbytery of East Tennessee by former
Stated Clerk, the Rev. Gradye Parsons, and edited for general use in Ruling Elder training.
Online training on the practical aspects of church life, from risk management to human
resources to overall health and wellness. Our online training is faith-based and presents
scenarios that happen in churches and organizations across the country. When congregants
are empowered with knowledge, they do better in all aspects of the church or ministry life
in which they serve. Train all of your leaders, staff and congregants for one low price
with our cost-effective rooftop pricing.
This page is adapted from Ruling Elder Training. (n.d.).